A Little More About Us

Who are We?

We feel strongly that we are a community of people who welcome and accept everyone, however broken, recognising that we are all broken in various ways, but we relate to a perfect heavenly Father.

We are a charismatic evangelical church family who are currently independent of denomination, in the early days of exploring links with others.  Contact us to find out more.

We relate well to other local churches in the area and are pleased to have been invited to join with Churches Together in Shrewsbury, a regular Shrewsbury churches leaders breakfast and other Church connections across the town. We are in friendship with other leaders outside of the town who care for us pastorally and are available for our church family to connect to.

We connect to wider networks of churches including using various resources and attending conferences – keeping our focus on the wider church as well as the local church. We also connect internationally and have friendships with churches in other nations.

We agree with the Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith as a Christian Church, which can be found on this link: Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith.

We are also passionate about the creeds. Nicene Creed 

We have a variety of people who serve, lead, and oversee in all areas of church life.

All our leaders are signifantly involved, and the church family is consulted regularly as we consider and make decisions about our future.  Our leaders are from varied backgrounds of tradition and denomination.  Some have been in church leadership positions prior to Grace Church. So, whilst this is a relatively new church we believe that the many years of church experience have shaped who we are today. Starting from scratch, but with experience.  Praying, learning, and hopefully growing as leaders and a church family together – every day!